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Our Vision and Ethos 

At Sparkle Lodge Early Years, we offer inclusive, high-quality childcare and education to children aged 0-4 years.


Our ethos is grounded in the profound belief that every child is a unique and invaluable individual, deserving of the utmost care, respect, and opportunity. We are committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity where every child is embraced for who they are and where their diverse backgrounds, talents, and capabilities are celebrated.


We recognise that the traditional age-based grouping may not always reflect a child's true potential or developmental readiness. Therefore, we have chosen a different path that centres on grouping children based on their abilities and needs rather than their age. This approach allows us to provide tailored experiences that truly cater to each child's pace of growth, strengths, and areas for development.


Our commitment to holistic child development extends beyond the classroom, as we believe that children thrive best when they are supported by a collaborative network of caregivers. We actively engage with families, valuing their input and insights, as they play an essential role in shaping a child's educational journey. By working closely with parents and guardians, we ensure that our efforts are aligned towards the shared goal of helping each child achieve their fullest potential.


At Sparkle Lodge Early Years, we are unwavering in our dedication to nurturing the minds, hearts and spirits of the children in our care. We aspire to create an environment where curiosity is ignited, self-esteem is fortified, and a lifelong love for learning is cultivated. Our commitment to inclusivity, ability-related groupings, and holistic collaboration with families is our compass in guiding every child towards their best possible outcomes.


Together, we illuminate the path to a bright and promising future for every child at Sparkle Lodge Early Years, where uniqueness is celebrated, abilities are cherished, and potential knows no bounds.


Our Open Days

Experience an insight to Sparkle Lodge with our 'Drop-in' Open Days. Our next open days will be posted soon. Click on the image for a better look. For more information, call us at 07468 444469.

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